ESIC Model Hospital, Ezhukone, Kollam
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Obstetrics  and Gynaecology 

Brief details of HOD:

Name : Dr. Deepthi K.R

Designation : Specialist Gr. I

Services being provided in the department:

  • OPD- antenatal consultation, Gynec consultation, incision and drainage of abscess, Pessary removal and insertion, copper T removal
  • Delivery – FTND and LSCS
  • Minor procedures like FC, DFC, mirena insertion, PPS etc.

List of Senior Doctors/ Officers working in department



 Dr. Soumya T G                                    

CMO , NFSG                      

Dr.Beena Daniel


Dr. Kavya Das

Senior Resident (3 Year)

Dr. Uma Vinod

Senior Resident (3 Year)

Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-07-02



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