ESIC Model Hospital, Ezhukone, Kollam





Brief details of HOD

  • Name Dr. Silvia Angel Morrison
  • Designation Staff Suregon (Dental) NFSG
  • Qualification BDS

Services being provided in the department

  • Temporary restoration on permanent and deciduous teeth
  • Permanent restoration on permanent and deciduous teeth with GIC, Miracle mix.
  • Posterior aesthetic restoration with composite
  • Composite veneering
  • Pulpotony – pulpectormy of primary teeth
  • Root canal treatment on all permanent teeth
  • Apexification with MTA
  • Selective grinding
  • Normal and surgical extractions of teeth
  • Surgical removal of impacted teeth
  • Gingivoplasty
  • Operculectomy
  • Apicoectomy
  • Alveoplasty & frenectomy
  • Facial space infection management
  • Managment of TMJ dislocations
  • Excisional and incisional biopsy of oral cavity
  • Cystic enucleation and periapical surgeries
  • Temporary immobilisation of mobile teeth
  • Management of maxillary and mandibulae fractures (IMF, Open reduction and internal fixation)
  • Soft time management of oro-facial region (suturing)
  • Managment of oro-antral communication
  • Subgingrial/supragingrial scaling (periodontal curettage)

List of Senior Doctors/ Officers working in department



Dr. Silvia Angel Morrison

Staff surgeon (Dental) NFSG

Dr. Saranya Ramachandran

SR (Dental) 3 years


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-06-19



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