ESIC Model Hospital, Ezhukone, Kollam



Brief details of HOD

  • Name Dr. Rajeev S
  • Designation Specialist SAG
  • Qualification MBBS, MS, DO

Services being provided in the department

  1. Comprehensive ophthalmic Evaluation

  2. Refraction both objective & subjective

  3. Slit lamp biomicroscopy & fundus evaluation

  4. Indirect Ophthalmoscopy

  5. Gonioscopy

  6. Automated perimetry

  7. Glaucoma screening & tonometry

  8. Diabetic and other retinopathy screening

  9. Minor OPD surgical procedures

  10. Treatment (Medical ) of general eye diseases

  11. Surgical services start soon


List of Senior Doctors/ Officers working in department



Dr. Rajeev S

Specialist SAG

Dr. Heera KR


Dr. Neena S


Dr. Bensey

Senior Resident ( 3 yr)


Last updated / Reviewed : 2024-06-19



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